Plant Vitamins: Thrive + Boost

Plant Vitamins: Thrive + Boost
I would like to introduce you to your plants new best friends! Thrive + Boost are the ultimate combination of fully organic fertilizers to provide your plants with all the nutrients they need. Healthier, happier plants are just a few drops away!
60ml Plant Vitamins Thrive
60 + minerals, vitamins, and active growth hormones
Designed, packaged, and shipped from Canada
Made for regular fertilization of your plants
Makes up to 120 litres of fertilizer
Measured glass dropper
100% organic seaweed
30ml Plant Vitamins Boost
Sustains and helps develop healthy new leaves and roots
Made with 100% organic hydrolyzed fish
Designed, packaged, and shipped from Canada
Designed to be used in times of new growth
Makes up to 30 litres of fertilizer
Measured glass dropper
(sold separately)